Greta provides treatment for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, exercise addiction, and overall eating disordered behavior. One does not need to have a diagnosed eating disorder to benefit from professional therapy. At the onset of treatment, referrals will be given for dietitians, psychiatrists, medical doctors and support groups. This treatment team will work together closely throughout the duration of treatment. Since eating disorders are life threatening and extremely serious conditions, Greta only works with other professionals who are specialists in eating disorders and have the highest reputations in the field.
Clients will receive psychological care that is compassionate, dignified, professional and competent. The only criteria is a desire to change and a willingness to do the hard work it takes to face and recover from an eating disorder. Change in eating disorder treatment and recovery takes time and clients will be asked to have patience with themselves and the overall therapeutic process. Deciding to call and make an appointment is the first step to change. Showing up to the session is the next. What happens from there is a beautiful, challenging and life altering journey.
Greta travels nation-wide to assess and evaluate the country’s best eating disorder treatment programs. The decision of where to refer a client is an important one and should only be done by an eating disorder specialist who understands the culture and clinical milieu of each treatment center. Greta personally meets with the clinical staff at each treatment center so that referrals can be made based on the specific needs and unique circumstances of each client. Factors such as clinical training, licensure, education, professional development, modalities used, and supervision of staff therapists are all important in selecting a quality treatment program.
To parents: Greta will work with your family to determine what will be the best decision for your child. Some children benefit by being removed from their current environment and travelling to a different state, some children need to stay closer to home. If the determination is made that your child will be best served by going out of state and the need to interrupt the school year and their entire life for several months is warranted, it needs to be to a quality treatment program. Greta will assess and evaluate the unique circumstances of your child in making her determination.
Greta is available for short term consultation as well as long term after care upon discharge from a residential program. After care is critical and continued weekly therapy upon discharge is what keeps your child in recovery and working towards her life long goals.


Greta is a certified EMDR practitioner, having completed the highest level training with internationally recognized EMDR expert Dr. Laurel Parnell. EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an effective therapeutic technique used to treat trauma and phobic disorders. Even for people who feel they have not necessarily experienced anything traumatic in their lives, EMDR has been very helpful in regulating clients’ emotions and helping them identify their inherent strengths and internal resources. After learning about a client’s unique history, Greta will explore if EMDR is recommended and could prove to be valuable in treatment.
TRM (Trauma Resiliency Model)
Greta is also certified in TRM, a technique used to help clients regulate their autonomic nervous systems by using the natural and existing sensations of the body. TRM is a body-based model based on helping clients recognize when they have been bumped out of their normal “window of resiliency” when stress enters their lives. Some people get bumped up high and experience feelings of anxiety, anger or agitation while others get bumped down low where they experience feelings of sadness, depression or fatigue. Still others fluctuate between the two zones. Greta will help clients identify what their unique pattern is and how to prevent the highs and lows from disrupting their normal lives.
Greta has extensive experience helping women deal with all aspects of motherhood. Beginning with the desire to have a child and planning a family to conception, there are many intense feelings that women will feel throughout this process. Other important issues include one’s unique pregnancy, experiencing labor and delivery, post partum feelings, adjusting to one’s identity and role as a mother and parenting.
Greta can help women who are struggling with infertility as well. Infertility can be a very difficult experience and it is very important to seek out support during this emotionally challenging time with a skilled and compassionate therapist. Greta can also discuss other fertility options women have such as egg freezing, in vitro fertilization, donor sperm, surrogacy and adoption.
Greta has also partnered with Extend Fertility, the nation’s leading provider of egg freezing services. Greta counsels women who may not be ready to have a child today as well as women who are currently single who may be interested in the potential value of freezing their eggs for later use. She provides her therapeutic expertise on the issues of dating, fertility concerns and the desire to conceive.